You’re manifesting..


And this is such a beautiful journey, because on the journey to manifest your partner, you don’t just find and fall in love with them…

You find and fall deeper in love with ✨yourself!✨

Your relationships are also one of the biggest energy flows in your life. They can either be a TAP that fills you with energy to go and manifest your dream life + biz… or they can be a DRAIN that sucks energy out of you and holds you back from creating your dreams.

After years of toxic relationships, heartbreaks + situationships…

I went deep into the inner work and put my energy into manifesting my divine partner. In 2021, we fell in love and started building our life together.

The journey of manifesting a divine relationship is not about just wishing and hoping - it’s about becoming an energetic match for the partner you desire.

The law of attraction depends on this lesser known fact!

So if your goal is to do just that, the below are made for you!


The ‘Manifest Your Man’ Workbook

After watching the videos + completing the workbooks, you will:

❤️ Have a super clear understanding of the ‘energetic set point’ of your ideal man

❤️ Have a list of things you need to embody to match that energetic set point + manifest your man

❤️ Have uncovered blindspots that were blocking you from being a match to your ideal relationship

+ you will also understand how to integrate your learnings going forward!

The Goddess Inner Circle

It’s time to heal your wounded feminine energy + attachment wounds, so you can manifest your dream relationship.

This is the coaching programme to do exactly that!

F Boy Free + Cherished - The Masterclass

This is for you if currently you are stuck in cycles of toxic relationships, f boys + non commiters!

After this masterclass you will

✨ Understand what it ACTUALLY is that is drawing you to these guys so you feel a massive weight off your shoulders

✨ Identify what you need from a fulfilling relationship so you start going into dating completely differently

✨ Identify the behaviours that are blocking you + which ones you need to adopt to draw in your ideal relationship, so your energy around relationships resets and you feel positive about dating again