You’re manifesting…


So you sound like a soul-sister to me already!

For me, soulful success looks, well, holistic AF.

I’ve manifested a vision of what I desired in my lifestyle, my business, my romantic relationship and the relationship within myself and my body.

And when I create my vision for the next level i’m manifesting, it includes expanding all of those things in tandem.

I believe we are not here to be one dimensional, we’re here to expand and experience all that life has to offer! And our goals don’t manifest one by one, like conveyor belt, instead they can all tie into one another and many things can manifest together.

Progress in one area can also create quantum leaps in another!

If you have a holistic vision you’re ready to manifest, the below are made for you!


Unlock Your Magnetism With Human Design Course

Do you feel overwhelmed by all the advice out there and struggle to know which is most aligned for you? Human design is truly about self mastery and understanding how you uniquely work.  

By the end of this course, you will:

🔥Understand what your human design type is + how your energy functions, so you can maximise it

🔥Know what your ‘abundance blockers’ are so you can easily catch these mistakes and fix them right away

🔥Know what your ‘abundance attractors’ are, so you can easily adopt these practices to manifest faster.

Best Year Ever

Best Year Ever is a one year adventure for the woman ready to go ALL IN on achieving life changing growth and manifesting her dream life and business. If you are in the building stage, there is *nothing* else you need

A total glow up in all the areas that lead into the BIG impact you're here to make.

Access to ALL of my courses, programmes, masterclasses + group experiences for a year.

The Manifest Magic Academy

Manifest your quantum jump in freedom, success + growth in your business ❤️‍🔥

The essential identity, paradigm + embodiment work to manifest your next level of success, freedom + fun in biz

💦Create a new paradigm of how your biz gets to be and watch life catch up

💦Adopt your new higher self identity so you start making powerful, innovative + game changing biz moves by default


Unlock Your Success Blueprint Human Design Coaching

Tap into gifts you didn’t know you had and lead yourself to new realms of success + alignment!

This 8 week 1-1 human design coaching container will teach you everything you need to know about your unique blueprint for success, so you can cut through all the noise and get straight to what works for you, unlocking more abundance + ease in your life than ever.