Why you experience feast and famine cycles with money

If you have feast + famine cycles with money in your life, let me ask you THIS...

Have you ever had a significant relationship, where the dynamic was hot, then cold, then hot then cold.

One minute you're getting so much love and care, and the next that person has gone cold to you, become aggressive with you, or maybe even physically left - and so you didn't know what to expect

This is often with a primary caregiver, but it could also have been a significant romantic relationship.

If yes - this is reflective of an anxious attachment style, and it's why you experience feast and famine with money! 🤯🤯🤯

So, it's not your fault! We learn how to receive based on our first relationships and how we learnt to form attachments.

So if you learnt that with love; sometimes you have it + sometimes you don't...

You'll of course play that out with money too!

Why? Because money is also just an energy flow.

So if it didn't feel normal to receive consistent love and you couldn't always rely on it being there, then perhaps now you find it's not normal for you to receive a steady amount of income, or to always have a steady amount in the bank.

Instead, it's there, it's gone, it's there, it's gone! You don't know what to expect, you don't feel safe to enjoy your money because you never know if it's coming or going.

WHY am I reading your mind? Because i've been there! I'm still progressing through my healing journey, but i've made SO much progress by doing the inner work to heal the root of this issue and adopting certain financial habits to build a secure relationship with money.

I asked TikTok if I should create a bundle of all the resources I've created + used to help clients, (+ myself), overcome this ... and they said YES!

So here it is. Everything you need to heal your anxious attachment with money, because you deserve to feel safe + confident with money. You deserve to enjoy it, not feel victim to it!

Get the workbook, meditation, video training, money checklist + daily affirmations all inside this powerful bundle - Enjoy!

Leela Sule